We welcome children in worship!
Not only are children welcome but they affect worship directly with their presence and participation! That being said, it can be difficult for our children entering second grade who are no longer age eligible for the nursery and are transitioning in to Worship.
In order to help our youngest members have an enjoyable and meaningful worship experience we also offer these helpful tips:
- Children’s Clipboards (with activities and age appropriate worship material) & books are available on the multi-color hat racks the narthex. Please feel free to pick one up for your child and return the clipboard and/or book at the end of the service.
- Sign your child or family up for acolyte (candle lighter) or Scripture reader with Amanda (amanda@lavernecob.org) This is a great way to get children engaged and participate in the service.
- Review the adult bulletin with your child so they can begin to learn the order of service. Point out special events such as baptisms or communion.
- Help your child look up and mark upcoming hymns. Let your child help hold the hymnal. Even if they can’t read, they will feel included.
- Encourage your child to stand up when appropriate and to participate in the service along with the congregation in any way he or she is able.
- Give your child money to drop in the offering plate and let them pass the plate to the next person. Talk about where this money goes.
- Encourage your child to draw a picture or write a poem for the offering plate.
- Don’t worry too much about fidgeting. Wiggles happen!
- Greet the pastors each week after the service. Knowing the ministers personally may increase your child’s interest in what is going on during the service.
- Talk about the service with your child. Make sure your child knows what they think about the service is important to you.