Stay Connected!
Congregational Care Team
In September, four individuals from our congregation; Nancy Sassaman, Karen Weed, Reba Herder and Carolyn Cockrell, began an intensive lay chaplaincy program designed to train lay chaplains on how to be present, look inward, and listen well as they minister to people. As part of their training, these lay chaplains will work alongside the pastoral team to offer care to our church community through visitation, prayer and listening. In doing so we are creating a congregational care team – a way to contribute to the needs of the saints among us.
In addition, some may remember faith partners. These were folks available to pray with individuals on Sundays during worship. They often wore rainbow lanyards and stood in the back of the sanctuary. They, too, are making a comeback in the months ahead; another way for us to embody shared community care.
Pacific Southwest District Conference / Justice and Peace Kiss Each Other
Our congregation is part of the Church of the Brethren Pacific Southwest District, which encompasses congregations in California, Nevada and Arizona. Each year the district sponsors a conference where congregational delegates conduct district business, and all attendees are encouraged to participate in worship, attend various workshops and enjoy one another’s company.
This year’s District Conference will be held on November 8th-9th at the Prince of Peace Church, Sacramento. The theme is Justice and Peace Kiss Each Other. All are invited to participate in this event.
Location: Prince of Peace Church, Sacramento
Ages: Adults
Day/Time: November 8th & 9th, 2024 / 6:00 p.m.
Business is on Saturday, November 9th
***Click below for additional information***
Advent Adventure
Sunday, December 1st marks the first Sunday of Advent and thus Advent Adventure, a time when we gather across generations on the courtyard for advent activities. And the greens are back! The first Sunday of Advent will include preparing the greens. So mark your calendars for Advent Adventure for each Sunday in Advent.
Location: Courtyards
Ages: All
Day/Time: Sunday, December 1st, 2024 / 10:45 a.m.
Commission Updates
Stewardship & Finance- Pledge 2025
You are invited to respond to God’s blessing your life by making a financial pledge to continue the work of Jesus at this church. The Stewardship and Finance Commission has set a goal of receiving 125 pledges for 2025. As of 11/16, 91 pledges have been received.
Pledges will be collected over the next several weeks in offering plates, by Stewardship and Finance Commission members staffing a pledging table and by turning the card in to the church office.
To pledge online, click on the link below.
Peace & Justice- Friends of Sabeel North America Ceasefire Vigil
The Peace and Justice Commission invites the congregation to stand vigil for a FOSNA (Friends of Sabeel North America) ceasefire the first and third Wednesday from 4:00-4:30 p.m. on the four corners of Indian Hill and Arrow Highway in Claremont. Meet in the parking lot of the mall closest to the four corners (Dollar Tree parking lot). Signs are provided. For questions, contact Philip Hofer at
Location: Four corners of Indian Hill and Arrow Highway in Claremont
Ages: All
Day/Time: Wednesday, November 6th & 20th, 2024 / 4:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Property Commission: New Parking Lot
The Property Commission is pleased to inform you that the repaving of our parking lot is now complete. As you make use of the west side parking area, please ensure that you pull all the way forward to the parking stops. This small action helps maintain a safe and smooth flow of traffic for everyone.
Spiritual Life-Nametags
You are invited to help build our community by wearing a nametag during and after church. Find the supplies you need to make a re-usable nametag at the Welcome Table in the lobby. You can take it home with you, or leave it at the Welcome Table to pick up next time. If you forget to bring it, make a temporary sticker tag at the Welcome Table. What else can you find at the Welcome Table? A list of upcoming events. A place to hand in forms. A place to sign up to volunteer. Come check it out!