Special Events / Commission Updates

Stay Connected!

Blessing for 2nd & 3rd Graders  

Here at La Verne Church of the Brethren, we follow a tradition deeply rooted in the Brethren; families worship together. When students enter second grade, they are encouraged to sit with their families during the service, as well as to contribute their own gifts in worship. They light the Christ candle, read scripture, contribute to music and more. Our church values all ages in worship. 

On Sunday, September 15th during worship, all second and third graders are invited to share in a special ritual that marks their move from the aqua room (nursery) to the sanctuary for worship. They will receive a small gift and a congregational blessing. If your child plans to participate, please email Pastor Amanda at amanda@lavernecob.org  

Date / Time: Sunday, September 15th / During Worship at 9:30 a.m.

Back-to-Fall Sunday / All Church Brunch!

Join the church family as we look forward with joy to learning about Spiritual Formation offerings for the Fall! All are welcome. Light brunch will be served in the Fellowship Hall.

Location: Fellowship Hall

Ages: All

Day/Time: Sunday, September 8th / 10:45 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.


Practice for another exciting year in choir beginning on Thursday, September 5th. Rehearsals are every Thursday at 7:30 p.m. and continue on Thursdays at that time. Led by Nikè St. Clair and Shawn Kirchner, the choir will begin the fall season by singing “Wana Baraka”. Rehearsals will include favorites from the church’s choral library and will build toward Christmas concerts, on Saturdays, December 14th and 21st at 4:00 p.m., featuring  John Rutter’s classic, Gloria, Shawn’s Behold New Joy:  Ancient Carols of Christmas, a suite of four ancient carols, and other Kirchner Christmas classics.

Location: East Room

Who: Choir Members

Date / Times: Every Thursday at 7:30 p.m. starting on September 5th, 2024


Bells are back ringing in the new season on September 5, 2024.  Come join us! Never played bells? Can’t read music (yet)? Never too late to learn! Come be a ringer!!!

Location: Bell Room

Who: Bell members

Date/Time: Every Thursday at 6:15-7:15 pm. starting on September 5th, 2024

Peace & Carrots Garden Meeting

Kristina and Marvhic Guinto, the managers of Peace and Carrots, are inviting garden and church members to their monthly meeting at the garden. This meeting is a fantastic opportunity for discussions of ongoing projects,  idea sharing, and finding ways in strengthening our community ties. Given your interest in sustainable practices and community initiatives, your presence would be incredibly valuable.

Location: Church Garden

Date/Time: Saturday, September 7th, 2024 / 8:30 a.m.

A Picnic For LGBTQ+ Folks

A picnic for LGBTQ+ folks will be held at Kuns Park (1600 Bonita Avenue, La Verne), Sunday, September 29th at noon. Bring your own lunch. Jonnie Owens is coordinating and will bring a homemade dessert. Contact Jonnie at jonniejeanowens@gmail.com for more information.

Location: Kuns Park

Date/Time: Sunday, September 29th, 2024 /  Noon

University of La Verne’s Homecoming Brunch

Join us for the University of La Verne’s Homecoming Brunch hosted at the La Verne Church of the Brethren! It’s a perfect opportunity to come together, celebrate, and nourish both our minds and bodies. Don’t miss this year’s University of La Verne Homecoming Weekend by visiting our website at: Laverne.edu/homecoming. See you there! Go Leos!

Ages: All

Day/Time: Sunday, October 13th / 10:45 a.m.

Church Council Meeting

Please join us for our 3rd all church council meeting of the year, Oct 20 immediately following worship. Council will include the first reading of the 2024 budget, an update on the pastoral search and election of congregation members into leadership. Please plan to attend and help shape the future of our beloved community. 

Location: Fellowship Hall

Ages: All

Day/Time: Sunday, October 20th / 10:45 a.m.

Be Our Guest

If you are looking for ways to get to know the people with whom you share a sanctuary on Sunday mornings, Be Our Guest is a fun way to do that. Sign up to be a host or to go to someone else’s home for dinner. The host doesn’t know who is coming. The guests don’t know who else will be there. The host provides the main dish, and the guests each are assigned a dish (salad, dessert, or bread). Look for inserts in your Sunday morning bulletin for information and sign-up instructions.  Deadline for signing up is October 6. 

Location: Locations will vary 

Ages: All

Day/Time: Saturday October 26th, 2054 / 6:00 p.m. 

Commission Updates

Peace & Justice Commission

Unmasking Whiteness Institute — AWARE-LA- Update

The Peace and Justice Commission sponsored Dr. Izzy Pittman and Nancy Flores to attend a summer program at Loyola Marymount University called Unmasking Whiteness, an AWARE-LA workshop series on building white anti-racist practice and community in an intensive 4-day institute designed specifically for white people. Through personal reflection, group dialogue, activities, and embodiment practices, this institute invited white people to explore: meanings of whiteness, white privilege & multiple identities, addressing guilt & shame, structural, institutional, and systemic racism, anti-racist practice, identity, & community.

Dr. Izzy Pittman reflected “I felt proud to represent our church at this anti racism workshop. It enhanced my resolve to work towards embodiment of social justice, both in myself and in community”.

Dr. Izzy Pittman will be leading a four-week Spiritual Formation beginning on September 15th. 2024.

Dear La Verne Church of the Brethren,

Thank you for the amazing backpacks donated to Rainbow Housing.  It was so great to see how excited our children were to receive these backpacks. Their eyes lit up when they opened the bags and saw them filled with supplies.  I have attached a few pictures here for you.  

Our families face many challenges and your gift of backpacks filled with supplies was such a blessing!

Generous supporters like you are helping us respond to the increased need in our communities through our life-changing programs and services. Together, we make families stronger, futures brighter, and dreams within reach. We are truly grateful for your partnership.

With gratitude,

Michelle Escobedo

Resident Service Coordinator

Rainbow Housing Assistance Corporation