Peace Camp

Peace Camp Olympics 2024

The La Verne Church of the Brethren sponsors a non-religious day camp, which takes place each July, designed for students entering Kindergarten – students entering 6th grade. Peace topics include non-violence, inner peace, global peace, advocacy, justice, and more. Students participate in hands-on activities such as planting in our community garden, cooking in our commercial kitchen, exploring open-ended art in our courtyard, working on tangible service projects for the community, and more. Peace Camp is a much-loved tradition and students in the community often come back to volunteer because of the lasting impact Peace Camp has had on their lives.

Registration is now Closed

Peace Camp registration is now closed. A few spots are still available. To register a child/ren after the registration deadline, please email Jami at

July 29- August 2

5:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.  

The La Verne Church of the Brethren sponsors a non-religious day camp, which takes place each July designed for those entering Kindergarten through those entering 6th grade. This year our focus is on how we can bring our individual skills and talents together cooperatively to help create a peaceful world where all people are treated with dignity. Students participate in hands-on activities such as planting in our community garden, cooking in our commercial kitchen, and exploring open-ended art in our courtyard. We will also be hosting a meal-packing event as our service project with Rise Against Hunger, a growing global movement to end hunger by empowering communities, nourishing lives and responding to emergencies. Peace Camp is a much-loved tradition and students in the community often come back to volunteer because of the lasting impact Peace Camp has had on their lives.  

To register a Peace Camper, visit: 

To sign up as a volunteer, visit: 

To request a scholarship:

Make a payment or sponsor a child by clicking on the donate button below.

What is Peace Camp?

The La Verne Church of the Brethren sponsors a non-religious day camp, which takes place each July, designed for students entering Kindergarten – students entering 6th grade. Peace topics include non-violence, inner peace, global peace, advocacy, justice, and more. Students participate in hands-on activities such as planting in our community garden, cooking in our commercial kitchen, exploring open-ended art in our courtyard, working on tangible service projects for the community, and more. Peace Camp is a much-loved tradition and students in the community often come back to volunteer because of the lasting impact Peace Camp has had on their lives.

Peace Camp 2023

Peace Camp 2023 – Super Powerful Peace

At the end of July 2023, we held our 20th annual Peace Camp, entitled Super Powerful Peace. Forty-eight Peace Campers and even more Peace Camp volunteers, met on our campus to explore nonviolence in meaningful and relevant ways. Each day, Peace Campers were introduced to a nonviolent superhero, creatively designed by our Peace Camp team. Superhero Freeze used their superpower of freezing to find peace when conflicts arise. XR used his x-ray vision to look beyond the surface of behaviors to see what is really going on, helping students notice how unmet needs can cause negative behavior. Sklyer taught us that flying to the past and learning its history can help save the future. Mighty Maddie’s strength demonstrated that super strength is nonviolent. And superhero Radiance taught us that there is super powerful peace in community. We partnered with The African American Museum of Beginnings and raised funds through a nightly lemonade stand to support their work of educating our community on often overlooked aspects of history. It was an incredible week, full of art, garden, kitchen, yoga and more. Thanks to everyone who donated funds, supplies and their time and energy to make Peace Camp happen.  

Peace Camp 2022

Peace Camp 2022 – Our Story of Peace

Peace Camp 2022 was amazing! Thanks to all who participated.

Peace Camp takes place every year in the month of July from 5:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. It is designed for children entering kindergarten through 6th grade. We offer a Mini-Peace Camp option for children between the ages of 2 and 4, with a participant cap.

Our focus this year was children’s books and how we may also write our own peace stories in the world. Our service project entailed building and supplying a Little Free Library for the community.  As usual, students explored peace concepts through open-ended art projects, cooking, gardening, and more!

Peace Camp 2021

Peace Camp 2021 Peace Builders: Shaping our World with Creative Tools

Peace Camp 2021 was amazing! Thanks to all who participated.

Here is a free digital activity book based on our theme: Peace Camp 2021 Activity Book.

Peace Camp 2020

Peace Camp 2020

Peace Camp | Day 1 | Stop, Drop & Breathe

Peace Camp 2020 | Day 2 | Spot the Problem & My Feelings

Peace Camp 2020 | Day 3 | Actively Listen!

Peace Camp | Day 4 | Spot Solutions!

Peace Camp 2020 | Day 5 | Practice It!