Community Garden

We help feed our neighbors through contributions to the local food bank. This year, we have given over 2,000 pound of food.

Peace & Carrots Garden

Peace & Carrots currently gives two of the garden plots to our local Headstart pre-school classes. The teachers use the planting and harvesting of the veggies they grow to teach the children about nutrition. The children have also learned that growing their own food is fun!

The manager of the food bank has said that we introduced some new foods to her clients. When she was pregnant, the clients would cook our veggies for her, telling her that the food they prepared would help her have a strong baby. We were thrilled.

Bees, ants, lizards, spiders, birds and many other critters live or visit the garden. There are dog walking neighbors and families pushing babies in strollers who stop by and enjoy the beauty of the garden. We are also visited by a neighborhood skunk that seems to find his supper by digging for insects in the garden plots and compost pile. Happily, he is never as surprised to see us as we are to see him.

If you would like to become a Peace & Carrots gardener, the rent is $50.00 for a year. There are tools for you to use and the plots have an automatic irrigation system. To learn more, email the church office