Spiritual Formation

Lenten Connect Groups

Lenten Connect Groups Sign-ups Coming Soon!

Please be on the lookout for an email from the office with details on how to sign up for our Lenten groups. We encourage everyone to participate in this meaningful journey together.

Spiritual Formation

Spiritual Formation & Mid-Week Groups

Spiritual Formation takes place each Sunday from 10:45 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Spiritual Formation offerings include age-specific groups based on scripture, justice issues, interests and more. Some Sundays, Spiritual Formation is intergenerational in the form of brunches, service projects, spiritual practices and more.

Mid-week groups are occasionally offered during the week. These groups include book studies, interest groups and more.

Canned Food Collection

Bring your cans and other food items for collection by the children during worship service. Water is always needed. In addition to the canned goods, fresh food is also collected. Friendly reminder that Inland Valley Hope Partner does not accept clothing or shoes.

Date / Time: 
Sunday, February 2nd, 2025 / During Worship at 9:30 a.m.

Spiritual Formation

Maximize Your Giving: Tax-Smart Strategies for Supporting the Church

Join Mary Ann Quay in discovering creative ways of making financial gifts to the Church with IRS approved methods.

Save taxes and help the Church meet its obligations at the same time!

*Stock Transfers

*IRA/401k Direct Gifts

*Charitable Trusts

*Gift Annuities

*Life Insurance

See how to increase your medical deductions and/or lower your Medicare premiums, lower your income taxes and benefit the Church, whether you itemize deductions or not.  There will be time for questions!

Led By: Mary Ann Quay

Location: Fireside Room

Ages: All

Day/Time: Sunday, February 2nd / 10:45 a.m.- 11:30 a.m.

Celebrating Life

Join Patricia Himes in the courtyard to create art with the theme of “Celebrating Life”.  Supplies and a little guidance, if wanted, will be provided. This intergenerational Spiritual Life offering is suggested for adults and children 4 years and older.  But childcare will also be provided for children up to 2nd grade.

Led By: Patricia Himes

Location: Church Courtyard

Ages: All

Day/Time: Sunday, February 2nd / 10:45 a.m.- 11:30 a.m.

Friendship Class

Christianity as a World Religion.  On Sunday, February 16 Professor Luke Timothy Johnson, New Testament and Christian Origins scholar at Emory University, will lead Friendship Class through a video lecture to consider the differences and similarities of Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant Christianity.  He will follow this exposition with lectures on Christianity and Politics on February 23 and Christianity and Culture on March 2.  Could any topics be timelier in America today?  All three lectures will engender a lively discussion in Friendship Class.

Led By: Al Clark

Location: Social Hall

Ages: All

Day/Time:  Sundays, February 2nd, 16th, 23rd & March 2nd / 10:45 a.m.

Know Thyself (and Everyone Else!)

Come explore with pathways to personal growth and healthier relationships through the insights of the Enneagram, a personality type system that offers a way to “see” ourselves and others more clearly.

Led By: Shawn Kirchner

Location: Library

Ages: All

Day/Time: Sundays, February 2nd & 16th / 10:45 a.m.

Special Called Council Meeting

Immediately following Worship, a Church Council Meeting will precede where a special vote will take place. At the time of the vote, only those who are Members or Associate Members of the congregation can cast a vote, according to our bylaws. The vote will be done by written ballot for those in person and by private chat for the Zoom participants.

Location: Sanctuary

Day/Time: Sunday, February 9th / 10:45 a.m.

Stories & Play

Children Birth through Kindergarten are invited to come to the Aqua Room during Spiritual Formation for play and stories of peace, love and kindness.

Led By: Mio Mitsuishi

Location: Aqua Room

Ages: Birth- Kindergarten

Day/Time: Sundays, February 16th, 23rd, and March 2nd / 10:45 a.m.

The Peace Table: Jesus Teaches

1st – 5th grade will meet in the Yellow Room for bible stories focusing on the Sermon on the Mount, and featuring The Peace Table, a storybook bible. Join Sara Davis and Beth Snowden-Ifft for age-appropriate discussion, crafts, and activities.

Led By: Sara Davis & Beth Snowden-Ifft

Location: Yellow Room

Ages: First-Fifth Grade

Day/Time: Sundays, February 16th, 23rd, and March 2nd / 10:45 a.m.

Donuts & Conversation

Middle and High School students are invited to meet in the Rainbow room for Spiritual Formation for donuts and discussions on what it means to be a teen and a follower of Christ in today’s world. Including a deep dive into Bishop Mariann Budde’s Inauguration Sermon and tips on how to navigate social media.

Led By: Jami Guillen

Location: Rainbow Room

Ages: Middle-High School

Day/Time: Sundays, February 16th, 23rd, and March 2nd / 10:45 a.m.

Hope 4 Home

We are a Matthew 25 Movement congregation, seeking to protect and defend the vulnerable in the name of Jesus. One way we work at this pledge is by providing meals to Hope for Home, a local transitional housing center in Pomona. For questions, email our kitchen ministries coordinator, Tron Passmore at kitchen@lavernecob.org

Location: Church Kitchen

Ages: All

Day/Time: Sunday, February 16th / 10:45 a.m.

Immigrants Among and Around Us: Matthew 25 in Our Context

February 16, 2025

The present situation: a review In Spanish it’s called coyuntura. What is the situation for immigrants now? A review of actions and reactions.

February 23, 2025

Local efforts: Our Inspiring Neighbors Leaders from Pomona share the threats and challenges their constituents face, what they are doing, and how we can help.

March 2, 2025

Learning to do Good: Training for Action Training to volunteer and work on behalf of immigrants in this in this present situation.

Led By: Phil Hofer

Location: Fireside Room

Ages: All

Day/Time: Sundays, February 16th, 23rd, and March 2nd / 10:45 a.m.

“You Believe What? Journey Stories”

Join us for this two-part spiritual formation series where sarcasm, refined wit, and serious curiosity are not just welcome—they’re encouraged. Whether you hold strong faith, no faith, or are simply spiritual but not religious, this is a safe space to share your spiritual journey, hear others’ stories, and explore the beautifully diverse paths that brought us all here. Together, we’ll laugh, reflect, and build a deeper sense of community and connection. Come as you are—doubts, questions, and all!

Led By: Aaron Cruse & Jeff Neu

Location: Library

Ages: All

Day/Time: Sundays, February 23rd, and March 2nd / 10:45 a.m.