
Benton Rhodes Peacemaker Contest

The La Verne Church of the Brethren is inviting high school students from all Pacific Southwest District churches to participate in their annual essay contest, held in honor of Benton Rhodes. Essays must be received by March 6th, 2025, for consideration. For more details or any questions, please contact Phil Hofer from the La Verne congregation. Please share this opportunity with the youth in your church.

Click below for more details about the contest and how youth in your churches can participate.

Deadline: March 6th 2025

Your donations help us continue the work of Jesus.

Because of your generosity, we are able to continue our work. We use our resources for peace and justice by providing Peace Camp for children in the community, sponsoring refugees, feeding the hungry, and more. We are a Matthew 25 church and can continue this important work through donations of time, energy, and money.

Pledge 2025

To complete your pledge electronically, click on the link below.

Ways to Donate:

If you’d like to donate, there are three options:

You can send a check to La Verne Church of the Brethren, 2425 E Street La Verne, California, 91750.

You can also donate through Zelle, which does not charge the church service fees, allowing 100% of your donation to go straight to the work of the La Verne Church of the Brethren.  Set up Zelle directly with your bank. For more information on how to set up Zelle, click on the button below.

Once Zelle is set up, you can add the church with our email account,

You can also donate through PayPal, which does charge the church a service fee per each donation. You can do so by clicking on the donate button below.

Community Outreach

Gift Cards Needed!

We frequently give out gift cards of $20 or so to people who are in need and stop by the church office. If you can help us re-fill our supply, that would be appreciated. Bring them by the church office or place them in the offering plate, designated: For Those in Need. Thank you!

Inland Valley Hope Partners Food Bank

Our local food bank is in need of water, socks, gloves, small rain ponchos and blankets. Other needs include food items that do not need to be cooked or refrigerated, and fresh fruit is always welcomed. Donations are delivered weekly and much appreciated. 


            Our choir works to share Shawn’s music locally and globally. Help us spread the joy of his heartfelt and beloved music that expresses a universal hope for peace, love and harmony. Simply go to- and chose the level of giving most comfortable for you. Follow a few instructions and you’re in! We will gratefully acknowledge our patrons in our concert programs. Thank you and we’ll look for you at our concert!