District Conference

Pacific Southwest District Conference: November 9-15, various times

The structure of the Church of the Brethren grows out of a belief that the individuals and congregations within the church are uniquely led by God, but at the same time are dependent upon the gathered community to discern God’s leading more fully.

There are three levels of decision making: the congregation level , the district level, and Annual Conference level.

Districts gather their members once a year to elect a moderator and conduct district business. These meetings also process any business moving from congregations to Annual Conference.

La Verne Church of the Brethren is part of the Pacific Southwest District. This year, District Conference will meet virtually, “on the web,” from November 9-15. The theme is: “Bless’d be the tie that binds.” Based on Psalms 133:1 and the moderator is our own Mary Kay Ogden! 

During the business portion of conference you will hear about the work of the district, including recognition of ordinations, status of congregations within our district, budget proposal and leadership appointments. 

There will also be times set aside for virtual worship, insight sessions and even a service project! 

Your registration has already been paid. All you need to do is visit: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeiSEfc8gZReSpJbbiClRJ-Hly79sC-4xW6MvVixZrRV3c2OQ/viewform to register and choose what activities you want to participate in! 

All are invited to participate in the PSWD Conference, you do not need to a member to participate. The invitation is extended to anyone and everyone who wants to join your extended church family from all over California, Arizona and Nevada in a special time to discover the ties that bind us together in Christian love!

For more information, visit the PSWD website at https://www.pswdcob.org/dc2020/