Obituary: Gerald Wilbur Pence

Gerald Wilbur Pence
November 20, 1926-October 6, 2024

Born in Ashland, Oregon on November 20, 1926 to Ray and Marie Olsen Pence, Gerry grew up in Grants Pass and Medford during the depression years and WWII. As a member of the Church of the Brethren, he believed strongly in the Brethren teachings against war and the bearing of arms, and registered as a Conscientious Objector with the Medford Draft Board. This deep belief of the inhumanity of war stayed with Gerry throughout his life, and he would often talk with young men of draft age about the teachings of Jesus to “love your enemies.”

Hitch-hiking south, Gerry attended La Verne College (now University of La Verne). In 1949 he graduated with double majors in Social Sciences and Physical Education, along with a teacher’s credential. But music was his real joy. He sang a lovely baritone throughout college with a male quartet, the Melodiairs, who performed for camps, churches, and college events.

While at college, Gerry met Bernice Maurine Brandt, daughter of the Math & Physics professor and Dean of the College. Marrying in 1948, they shared a passion for music, church, family, and service. During their 73 years of marriage, they became the “go-to” couple for music at the church, as well as for community weddings and funerals. Bernice was an accomplished pianist and organist, while Gerry sang solos and directed choral ensembles at both the church and the high school.

In 1950, Gerry and Bernie accepted a 2-year position with the Brethren Service commission to direct Brethren youth in relief and reconstruction work in war-torn Germany. Soon other European youth were joining in the rebuilding and refugee work, with the Pences in charge of their community living, individual and group projects, and working with the local authorities. It was also during this time that Gerry bought two used German cameras and the excitement of both B&W and color photography began for him.

Returning to California in 1952 with a daughter, Christine, Gerry completed a Masters of Music degree from USC and began teaching Choral Music and English at Bonita High School in La Verne. Soon Nadine (Dena), Jeffrey, and Kimberly were added to the family, and they frequently took summer driving vacations or camped in the mountains or at the beach.

Gerry was also Minister of Music at the La Verne Church of the Brethren, which included conducting the Sanctuary Choir for over 17 years in many classical choral works as well as each Sunday during the worship season. He and Bernie retired from teaching in 1987.

Excursions into wilderness areas always presented Gerry with the opportunity to photograph landscapes, to which he brought a deep respect for nature and reverence for life. After retirement, he took courses at Tri-Community School of Photography and learned to process both color and B&W negatives. Setting up a darkroom at home (in the kids’ upstairs bathroom!), Gerry spent many hours perfecting his skills of developing, processing, and printing photographs. It has been his pleasure to see many of his photographs in the homes of friends and family, and he has sold them at Gift Fairs and auctions to benefit organizations such as Heifer Project, Womaen’s Caucus, Brethren-Mennonite Gay Caucus, and various other groups.

Gerry and Bernie loved traveling, camping, and RVing with friends, always with a camera at hand. He became the unofficial family photographer of many family gatherings, including the 80-plus extended Brandt family. Gardening (especially citrus trees and tomatoes), fishing, woodworking, and driving his 1965 red Mustang convertible were also passions into his later life.

Preceding him in death were Bernice Brandt Pence (1926-2021) and his brother, Clifford Lowell Pence. Survivors include: Jack & Christine Meek of Claremont; Nadine Pence of Rancho Cucamonga; Jeff & Debbie Pence of Big Bear; and Frank & Kimberly Salazar of South Pasadena. In addition, Gerry is survived by 7 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren.

A memorial service will be held at the La Verne Church of the Brethren (2425 “E” St, La Verne, California) on October 26 at 3:00pm. Donations may be made to the La Verne Church of the Brethren in his name for Musical Events, or to Heifer Project International.

Thank you for your donation!

The La Verne Church of the Brethren is grateful for your financial gifts.  We want to keep God’s love and call for justice alive in our world.  We have a strong ministry of feeding the homeless; a Peace Camp for children every summer that provides activities that give children a chance to learn and practice peace; and three racial justice action groups working to dismantle racism.  Your gift makes these things possible.  

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There are also ways you can connect with us through social media.  Visit our Facebook page at La Verne Church of the Brethren or follow us on Instagram @lavernecob.  Our YouTube channel is La Verne Church of the Brethren and can be accessed HERE. 

Again, please know how grateful we are for your gift and we would love to connect with you on a meaningful level.  If you have questions or would just like to share more about yourself, please feel free to contact me at or 909-593-1364.


Carol Wise, Interim Pastor

Chop & Chitchat

Join us in the kitchen, the first Sunday of every month, as we prepare a meal for the Esperanza Villa Tiny Homes residents. The Tiny Homes are in Baldwin Park and house 25 residents transitioning from unhoused to their permanent homes. A beautiful facility dedicated to lending a helping hand to those in need. Check the bulletin for dates

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